IMPORTANT UPDATE FOR ALL ONLINE BUSINESS MANAGER USERS: After careful consideration, we have made the decision to sell the business to an experienced professional in club management software and integrated payments, who will be taking over Money Movers, Inc. and all related assets effective immediately. The new owner, Bill Matthews, will be rebranding the name to GYM BUSINESS MANAGER to reflect an emphasis on health clubs and fitness centers. A major source of inspiration for this is that it will also honor the name that has been used for a long time for the software, Online Business Manager. Over the next few weeks we will be re-purposing our videos and branding to reflect the changes in our company. We want to assure you that this transition will be seamless. Bill is highly experienced and shares the same values and commitment to quality that you’ve come to expect from us. You will continue to receive the same level of service, and your needs will be in good hands with him.
So, we welcome you to the Gym Business Manager Training Website. Take a look at this video to get an overview of what we will be learning about OBM from this training website. To view the video in full screen, click on the square full-screen icon on the bottom far right of the video menu bar.
Then, by clicking on the tabs above you will open replicas of the actual menus you work with in your OBM database. Each menu has a list of items that contain either text instruction or a tutorial video.
P.S. If you are an OBM client, you will need a password to sign in to this site. Please contact our office at 800•861•5029. (If you are not an OBM client but are interested in our software, give us a call and we will be happy to schedule an online Demo.) Thanks for using the website and we hope it is helpful to you.